Thursday, October 22, 2009

I am impressed that I didn't have to call the daughter in to get the pictures on the blog! Cool. I also have now rearranged the order of the pics and relocated this post! Wow. This is not say the least.
As you can see the greenhouse is a work in progress, but Oh!! what a process it has been. Today I sealed around the door with some foamy stuff that should keep the breeze out, and we lugged a piece of marble in that someone gave us and actually managed to get it up on the far west barrel to use as a table. I was day dreaming about how we would get that piece of marble up that high and it occured to me to use the jack we have (that is actually a post puller), and it worked real slick; nobody got hurt! At some point I'll have to take a picture of the marble. It is real purdy. I am one of the happiest girls on the planet. Indeed!

1 comment:

  1. oh, darling! we are impressed. and i love your last statement. what a wonderful feeling to be the happiest girl in the world.
