Sunday, December 13, 2009

Morning Mist

I leave(Texas)tomorrow. This morning I got up and had some of that rocket fuel coffee and went out walking, further than perhaps I have before. I was attempting to find a place that has not been covered by concrete and pavement, and I did find a place like that a fence that has markers along it to indicate that it has been surveyed for future building. Fudge!! I did also find a big owl in one of the remaining trees very patiently waiting for a tastey morsel to show it's face. The mist and rolling clouds were lovely and nourishing until I turned to face the wind which is decisively bone chilling....but not too bad. I know I have to toughen up to survive at home, I think they are warming up at a bit, at least I hope. ( I also saw a coyote trotting along the fence early this morning, only this time it was on the house side of the fence and not the other side...looking for some cat for breakfast, perhaps. Someone's declawed cat has been missing for a couple of weeks, and I am supposing it was a good meal for those who are out on the prowl.)
Anyway, I found a little frog pancake on the road on my way home. Tires had rolled over it enough to make this once perky anphibian into a leathery chunk of debris on the concrete. One of the problems with autos is that the machine can roll on top of something smooching the life out of it and never know what it has just done. I sometimes wonder how badly the animal population has sacrificed it's memebers so that we as humans can travel as quickly as possible from point A to point B. I shutter to think what those numbers are...the body count would be worse than any ethnic cleansing that we have waged on each other. I wonder sometimes if I might be from another planet to give a flying thought about it. Hmmmm.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I think you are from another planet. Greatly adored by your surrounding earthling and nonearthling friends. Welcome nack home to the bitter cold. Hope you didn't get to acclimated to AZ and TX weather for the three weeks while you were away.
