He is now working for a (business that has several residences) home that has some mentally/emotionally unstable folks living there, I think he said three of them... and was up a good deal of the night cleaning this one fellow up from pooping on himself and inable to sleep and being highly aggitated...which put him (my friend) on wake-up patrol. Apparently if a careperson can be at the home and sleeping they are paid minimum wage, and if they are up and dealing with the residents, then they get waking wages, (which seems like another example of employers taking advantage of employees and paying the absolute lowest they can think of. GGGrrrrr. Of course the caretaker has to sleep with one eye open anyway, in case something is brewing...I know because I've done that work before!! It's not such a lovely a piece of cake as one might think...and in fact requires limitless patience and observation as the residents are highly medicated and are apt to do some rather strange behaviors, even on good days.This is not to mention that the waking pay is under 10 bucks an hour and I'll be@)# $(*&)!#$%^ed if some CEO at a hospital [or any other high income facility]...(and makes hundreds of thousands of dollars a year) ever has to do anything that is remotely as stressful or gross in some instances....GGGGGGGrrrrr some more!!!!!) Anyway, my friend has been promoted to full-time work and will not be spending the nights with the residents, and that is good news. Finding employment even vaguely related to his socialwork degree has been way difficult. We really need to think this out more carefully as a society. We are very quick to fund any number of wars at exorbitant cost, but when it comes to being there for people with special needs, or really ordinary needs for that matter, we fail time and time again.
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